Got Children?

Tot Tales
Got children?
Tot Tales meets on the first Saturday of every month in Ntinda and Bugolobi.
Time: 11am-1pm
We take on 45 children per book club and divide them in three groups according to age (4-6, 7-9, 10-12) each with 15 children. Each group has a reader and an evaluator. Each month, we select a theme and books according to that theme. The books are age-appropriate for the three age groups and are sent to the readers before hand. There are crafts or comprehension exercises relating to each book to help the children understand the story further.
Details and RegistrationFROM TOT TALES
Laugh Out Loud James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein | A review by John Kato
July 2nd, 2018
Have you ever had a dream that seemed so wild […]
The Velveteen Rabbit | A review by Dushiime Kaguliro
May 1st, 2018
On Christmas day a little boy receives a velvet rabbit […]
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory | A review by Dushiime Kaguliro
April 3rd, 2018
Charlie is a young boy living in poverty with […]
Open Monday-Friday 10AM to 5PM, Saturday 10AM - 2PM