When we started publishing books and going around to meet teachers, parents and students, we were often asked whether we had any children’s books. Because our answer was no, we were asked if parents could consult us every so often for books for their children. Most of you parents are very keen to introduce books by Africans to your children. Some of you have these children so hungry for books but you just do not know where to start. Some, fearing that your children would catch the same non-reading bug you have, want to do everything you can to help your children be better readers. And some of you are well aware of the transformative power of words and want to give your children the same opportunity.
As Sooo Many Stories we believe in storytelling as a way of not only making human connection but also carrying on our legacy, preserving our culture, learning new cultures and staying alive. We hope that by reading, we shall have a generation that will make better informed decisions, and a generation to whom the saying If you want to hide something from an African, hide it in a book, won’t apply.
Why is reading so important for children?
-Increases aptitude to learn in general. By learning how to put words and sentences together, it makes it easier for them to learn other subjects they are taught in school.
-They’ll be much more likely to express themselves and relate to others in a healthy way. By witnessing the interactions between the characters in the books they read, your child gains valuable communication skills and learns how to have empathy.
-Enhances concentration and discipline.
– Interesting illustrations and word patterns – such as rhymes – can get your child talking about what he’s seeing and thinking, and help him understand the patterns of language. This stimulates curiosity, sparks imagination and helps with brain development.
-Reading or telling stories can also be a safe way to explore strong emotions.
-The sooner children learn how to read, the more books, knowledge, and ideas they will be exposed to. The result? Improved linguistic skills: richer vocabulary, correct grammar, improved writing, better spelling and more articulate oral communication.
-It promotes longer attention span.
This is why we are inviting you, parents and guardians, to join us in this fight against the poor reading culture through The Fireplace: Tot Tales. Tot tales is a reading club for four to 12 year olds. The clubs, that happen every first Saturday of the month, are divided into three, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12, each with not more than 20 tots. Every month, each age group will read books surrounding a particular theme. It could be stories about school, fantasy stories or even adventure stories. Sometimes we have authors of books read to the children, while other times, we get different readers to tell stories. We do fun comprehension exercises to help the children get a deeper understanding of what they have read. We have read-aloud sessions for children to articulate what they read. Currently we have two chapters running; in Ntinda at The North Green School, and at our head offices in Bugolobi, where our very recently established children’s library is located. We are launching a third chapter in Entebbe very soon!

How much: Ugx20,000 includes a snack.
What you need to know as a parent/guardian:
-Please register with us when you drop off your child. Let us know if your child has any ailment or if they are allergic to anything that we should be aware of.
-Please give us the number of someone we can call in case of an emergency.
-Please do not bring sick children.
-After you have registered, take a tag with you so we can identify you when you come to pick your tot. We shall not hand over any child to someone that has no tag.
-We have security at the venue.
-We start our sessions on time. You are welcome to stay around and be part of the book club. All we ask is that you are present (not on your phone or talking to other parents)
-We, on occasion, have a professional photographer and request your permission to use your child’s photos.
Thank you for encouraging your tot to read and for partnering with us in ensuring that we have better readers.
To book, you can reach us on 0705711442 | Twitter: @SoooManyStories | Instagram: @SoooManyStories |
Faceboook: Sooo Many Stories| Email: kaboozi@somanystories.ug
Hello there, Hehehehe
Any way am not a parent, but I have siblings that I would love to register. But my main reason for writing to you is to tell you that I stay around Entebbe and I would like to volunteer and get involved, I love children and I love reading to. Am looking at this great idea you guys have and am like wow, straight away am just wanting to work with you guys, am not a qualified teacher, but I was a literature student back in the days. I know not so much about children but a thing or two that I have learnt from my church i know I can work with you guys and also learn more
Hello Becky,
thanks for reaching out. We are actually looking for volunteers in Entebbe. Pse send dushiime@somanystories.ug an email and tell us why you would like to volunteer with us and help us build our vision.