The Headline That Morning – Audio CD

by Peter Kagayi

Rated 4.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating

UGX 15,000

The Headline That Morning and Other poems CD is an audio CD of Peter Kagayi performing 15 of the 50 poems that are featured in the book, The Headline That Morning and Other Poems.
Featuring Hawa N Nakimbugwe
Produced by Dustville Studios

Date: June 8th, 2016 Genre: ISBN: Length:


Yo listened to the audio CD this afternoon as I prepped to leave the house and what an experience… My ears were caressed and my brain aroused… Kagayi Peter, well done. If you spend only 20k on yourself monthly, get this book. ‪#‎TheHeadlineThatMorning‬

For the audio production, I think we can also aim higher, and also aim for a more authentic Kagayi sound. Kagayi toned down a little on the audio so his “on the stage” person still seems better than his recorded person. I know this because a poem of mine he did on stage became alive with his touch!

Read the rest of the review here:

“The Headline that Morning” made my last week of work enjoyable. I have played, replayed, re-winded and played again and again track 13 “Nightmares”. It is officially my favourite, not that I have nightmares like the author, but somehow, the voice with which Kagayi Peter pleads speaks to me… “Don’t go to work….” Ben Kiwanuka please stay home today… Thank you Nyana Kakoma and Sooo Many Stories for this publication.

About the author

"Peter Kagayi, a Ugandan poet, has served as the Anglophone Coordinator at Writivism, President of Lantern Meet of Poets and founder of Rhymers Poetry Club. He is also the founder and curator of the regular poetry platform ‘The Poetry Shrine’ at the National Theatre in Kampala and has supported various groups of young poets. He “seriously” started writing poetry and performing it with Lantern Meet of Poets while at Makerere University. Later he taught poetry and trained high school students in poetry performance soon after he finished reading Law. Some of his poems have featured in theatrical productions by Latin Flavour, Uganda National Contemporary Ballet and various poetry shows. This is his first poetry collection."

- Peter Kagayi


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